Was founded by Vianna Stibal, The ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge (THInK®) is in Bigfork, Montana. THInK® is dedicated to the certification of ThetaHealing® Instructors and the development of ThetaHealing® World Wide. The ThetaHealing® Technique is an energy-healing modality founded by Vianna Stibal. The formation of this school opens the door to all who have been interested in the ThetaHealing® technique to continue to learn and gain confidence in their abilities. THInK® allows those who would like to practice and teach the ThetaHealing® technique, to have the Healing and Practical Training needed to continue the spread of this great work.
I got introduced to Seema and theta healing through a very close friend of mine!I was told that not only is she super clairvoyant but an amazing person as well... when I finally got to meet Seema, she was everything of what I'd heard and more! Seema, since then has become such a part of not only my life but my family as well! Most of everything I do is under her guidance.. Theta healing has helped me leave the past baggages behind and has definitely made me a more positive and spritual person :) I would recommend Seema and this healing programme to everybody to feel lighter and a happier person!
I have been practicing With Tattvam for a year now. I have been fortunate to come across It when I needed a balance in my life. Tattvam has done wonders for me. It has helped me recognise the inner self that exists in me. It guided me in a direction that was undiscovered but known to me. I learnt how to balance relations in my life, how to be happy and positive all the time and in every situation.I am a better human being in all aspects of life now. From my family life to my work, I know how to handle stress now. I can manifest things for myself. I am grateful to Seema for being such a positive and an inspiring mentor, for all the changes that she has and she would bring in my life. I wish all the good luck to her and her institute.
Tattvam Healing was an introduction to another world for me. It made me realize the power of thought, the connection with myself. It helped me release a lot of negativity and stress, rebuild my positive self, appreciate abundance given by the Universe. Tattvam Healing Practices- is an instant shot of energy. It lifts you up and has taught me to come out of shadows of the past experiences, to let go and create your own future. As I got deeper into Tattvam’s Theta healing modality, I realized my social circle started changing. I started connecting with likeminded people who came into my life from nowhere. My energies were attracting them, the Universe I guess was sending them my way. People with a lot of positive energy. Practicing Theta brings in a lot of peace, energy and a sense of joy. I get up with a smile. It has taught me to be grateful to the Universe and to be able to express that gratitude.
Hello, i am Akshay Verma and i along with my wife Varsha have attended and completed theta healing basic, advance and manifestation course workshop by Tattvam. I have come to know about theta healing from one of my business friend, Mr. Girish. I can declare that after doing five different days of workshop that it is ‘life changer’ for me. I always knew that it is not good for myself, but it always was too difficult to control my own self. I can say that after doing the theta healing course I actually have realized in how worsened mental state I was in. And how worse it could have been to my life. Tattvam’s healing practices has changed the way I used to think. I thought of me to be a very positive natured person, always in my life and I actually was. But after workshop i realize many holes in my positive nature sheet, I manifested the actual positivity in my nature. I learned to face life fearlessly and solve all problem of life in positive dimension. i look forward to keep repeating basic advance and manifestation course in future and complete my more advance courses workshops.
Seema, the god sent angel that she is, makes me realize today how much I believe in the goodness of life...how much I believe that the creator is always around me and is constantly available for the “chats” that one can use.Theta happened to me in the most special way and I will not forget the day when I actually met Seema. Although she believes she is just a channel, I give her a little more credit than just that.I truly believe I was guided to join the workshop as my life was about to take such a 360 degree turn that today I get jitters wondering if Theta didn’t happen to me, how did I ever think of sailing through.I today have a deeper understanding of what a soul mate is, what love is, how powerful thoughts are, and how one can control the mind and also how we can receive what we want.There is lot more about relationships that I learned through theta and today I can identify my hidden fears... and feel “equipped” to work on them.I always read and talked about how one should leave it to God to take care of you sometimes, but its only today that I feel safe about truly letting go of the steering and letting Him take care of me and granting me what is for my best.Seema, thank you for bringing these miracles into my life. Your presence and teachings have changed my life in a beautiful devout way. You are a beautiful soul and a gifted person with such a big and pure heart that it makes me feel nothing but blessed. Immeasurable love and gratitude... Aditi.
From being a dejected and complaining person, I became a happy, content and most importantly a hopeful person. I overcame many fears and mind blocks both trivial and grave which were making me weak and miserable, like stigma of not reading books, fear of public speaking, fear of losing my dear ones, self-loathing and low self-esteem. For me, Seema is an epitome of kindness, forgiveness and unconditional love. Because of Seema, my faith in creator will remain unshakable and rock-solid, irrespective of the outcome in the end. I have the utmost love and reverence for her and I am proud to have her as a guide, a mentor, a philosopher and a friend!! With deep and earnest prayers in my heart, i wish her and her family, good health, prosperity and longevity!!Amen.
My journey called life has been full of uncertainties and miracles happened with me. I had to find reasons to these uncertainties. So, I decided to talk to Mrs. Seema Singal. There I was, a beginner with Tattvam, but I foresaw a long journey is yet to be experienced, and I strongly believe that it’s going to be fantastic journey of life & beyond with “Tattvam Healing”
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